We take site performance very seriously and constantly optimize our script to improve load time. We also use various tools and services like CDN (content delivery network) to load our script super fast everywhere around the globe.
Page speed measuring tools don't always give an accurate picture when analyzing scripts like Smartsupp. You can often see the same issues with Google Analytics script. Smartsupp script loads asynchronously, meaning it doesn't prevent the rest of your website from loading while it downloads. Warnings you see in various page speed tools don't mean our script slows down your site. The load time of our script is negligible on most websites.
Smartsupp script load time details
Smartsupp chat script size is 184 KB. Size of all Smartsupp elements when loaded is 232 KB and it takes 350 ms to load on a broadband internet connection. The script is asynchronous so it doesn’t slow down the loading of the website. You can see script load details here: