Privacy & Legal
We ensure that you are aligned with all legal requirements and obligations.

Data privacy & GDPR


Yes, Smartsupp is GDPR compliant.

At Smartsupp, we have really focused on GDPR.

  • our data is stored primarily within the EU, some of our data is also stored in the US and other countries, where we ensure that our processors maintain a similar level of data security as in the EU;
  • we have our data protection officer, for the protection of personal data Mgr. Petra Stupková, with whom we regularly consult GDPR processing processes (
  • our Sub-processors of personal data (eg server hosting) are carefully selected with regard to their guarantees of security and data protection
  • By default, Smartsupp turns off the storage of IP addresses and some other sensitive data when you create your account. You can adjust the settings in your account.
  • we show visitors to your website a message that personal data is being processed using the Chat box - helping you to fulfill your information obligation;
  • We have a Personal Data Processing Agreement with all our customers; where you will find details of how the personal data of visitors to your website is processed. It describes what data is processed exactly and how and where it is stored


Smartsupp uses cookies. So it depends on how you use Smartsupp.

  • I only use a basic version of the chatbot without advanced features - you do not need consent here, as you are processing this data based on your legitimate interest to answer a customer's query and provide customer support.
  • I also use "smart" analytics and marketing features - you can't do without consent here. We recommend that you procure consent with a cookie bar where the user gives explicit consent to analytical and/or marketing cookies (e.g. Allow All).


Privacy Policy:

  • add ", s.r.o., ID No.: 036 68 681, with registered office at Šumavská 31, 602 00 Brno" to the list of processors in your privacy policy
  • include "We have a legitimate interest to provide customer support, which involves the processing of cookies or other data you enter into the chat box. Personal data in the chat box is processed automatically. Advanced features are only enabled if you have explicitly consented to them using analytics and/or marketing cookies."
  • check whether the following personal data that Smartsupp may process for you in the course of operating the Smartsupp service is included in the scope of processing:
    • Contact details: - name, surname, email address, phone number, or contact details of a social network account;
    • Details about visiting your website: - URL of the websites visited, date and time of the website visit, technical information (screen resolution, device type, browser type, operating system, etc.), IP address, geolocation data (country and city from which the user viewed your website).

Cookies and Local Storage:

  • When using the Service, new cookies are processed and new data is also stored in Local Storage. An overview of these can be found below.
  • Check that Smartsupp cookies are included in your cookie overview and are correctly categorised.

Cookies towards your customers:

Functional cookies

Name Description Storage
ssupp.vid The main purpose of this cookie is to identify visitors to your website. Based on this, we can pair the visitor with a conversation when the page is reloaded. As a result, the ongoing conversation does not disappear even after the page is reloaded, so visitors can continue where they left off.
This cookie therefore allows us to display the source, browser information, and number of visits that are listed in the visitor information in the Dashboard.
6 months

Functional Local Storage

Name Description Storage
_ss.enableSounds Stores the user's preference for whether the chat window should play sounds. This is Local Storage, that is, persistent storage until the application or user deletes it.
ssupp_<CHAT_KEY> Stores data relating to visitor and user preferences. The message (automatic) is activated when a visitor sends a message. This is Local Storage, that is, persistent storage until the application or user deletes it.
ssupp_<CHAT_KEY>vid It works the same way as the ssupp.vid cookie. This is Local Storage, that is, persistent storage until the application or user deletes it.
ssupp_<CHAT_KEY>message Saves the message that the user has begun writing so that when the user reloads the page, the message is preserved and does not disappear. This is Local Storage, that is, persistent storage until the application or user deletes it.
ssupp_<CHAT_KEY>opened Stores the chat open/closed value so that when the user reloads the page, the chat box returns to its previous state. This is Local Storage, that is, persistent storage until the application or user deletes it.
ssupp_<CHAT_KEY>_cards Here is stored data about product cards displayed in the widget. Necessary for the performance. This is Local Storage, that is, persistent storage until the application or user deletes it.

Marketing cookies

Name Description Storage
ssupp.visits This cookie is used to store the number of previous visits of the visitor. Based on this, we can then target automated messages and chatbots more accurately. 6 months

Marketing Local Storage (web storage)

Name Description Storage
ssupp_<CHAT_KEY> Stores data relating to visitor and user preferences. This is Local Storage, that is, persistent storage until the application or user deletes it.
ssupp_<CHAT_KEY>visits Like the ssupp.visits cookie. This is marketing information that should not be allowed if the visitor does not consent to marketing cookies. This is Local Storage, that is, persistent storage until the application or user deletes it.


Still confused? Contact us via the chat box in your dashboard and we’ll be happy to get in touch with you. Please note that customer service is included only in paid packages.

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