Chat box
Learn how to personalize your chatbox, so that it is perfectly suited to your website.

Chat box in your mobile app

You can add chat box to your mobile app using the Chat page link. You can find it in the SettingsChannels > Chat page or after clicking on your profile picture here. Bind this URL as a target of a clickable element in your app (the most common way is a button). There are two ways how you can implement the behavior when user clicks the element:

  • their default browser will be opened with the chat box page (user leaves your app but can use it while chatting with you),
  • the in-app browser will be opened with the chat box page (user stays in your app but is unable to use it in another way than is chatting with you until they close the chat).

Consult the methods with your mobile application developer who will implement the behavior. If you want to allow your mobile app users to contact you directly from the app via chat, refer the developers of your application to this page and consult both implementation options.

Please note that the chat box itself won't appear on the application. Only the chat page link can be added to the application and then the chat box will open in another tab if the visitor will click on the link.


SDK mobile application please find the documentation here. This feature is available in Ultimate package. If you are interested please contact our Sales here.




Still confused? Contact us via the chat box in your dashboard and we’ll be happy to get in touch with you. Please note that customer service is included only in paid packages.

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